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English versions are in preparation.

What is “Raumkarte”?

Raumkarte is a worldwide geospatial database constructed on the basis of the coastlines with an accuracy corresponding to a scale of about 1/700,000 - 1/500,000. Our own investigation has made it specialized for use on GIS.

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Table of Specifications

File format Vector data:
 ESRI File Geodatabase
 ESRI Shapefile
Raster data:
 ESRI File Geodatabase
Note: Basically provided in the Web Mercator projection.
   Transformation into another projection is available
   at an extra charge.
File sizeApprox. 3 GB (Worldwide)
Data rangeSeamless through the world
Data accuracyCorresponding to a scale of 1/500,000 at the maximum
Latitude / Longitude Projection (decimal double precision)
Data (layer)
20 categories, approx. 300 layers
Display scales10 ranks

List of Raumkarte Products

Topographic Maps (Vector data)

Comprising about 330 layers (20 categories) with point, line, and/or polygon data showing natural and artificial features, e.g. rivers, mountains, political areas (i.e., countries, local administrative units, and others), parks, roads, railways. 10 zoom levels are supported (approx. 1/24,000,000 – 1/500,000).

No.Category nameContentsData type
1Linear HydrographicPerennial and intermittent stream, canal, aqueduct, Intracoastal Waterway, rapid, stream distributary, etc.
2Areal HydrographicOcean, sea, gulf and bay, strait, mouth of river, estuary, lake, reservoir, land ice and glacier, ice shelf, swamp and marsh, mangrove, etc.
3HydrographicPerennial and intermittent stream (1/500,000)
4SeabedBasin, trench, seamount(s), ridge, bank, reef, etc.
5Miscellaneous HydrographicDam, lock
6LandformContinent, island(s), isthmus, cape, peninsula, mountain range, plateau, basins, plains, land area (of island), atoll, desert, forest, etc.
7Land ElevationsMountain, volcano, hill, pass, etc.
8Parks and RecreationNational park, state park, historic site, reserve and preserve, indigenous reservation, etc.
9City1st-4th order capital, 1st order future capital, town, urban area, diplomatic missions, oversea office of JETRO and JICA, Chinatown
10CulturalMuseum, sports facility, religious facility, scientific station, castle, ruin, wall, historic region, historic site (Japan), etc.
11RoadsMotorway, primary-tertiary road, minor road
12RailwayRapid-transit railway, primary and secondary railway
13AirportsMajor commercial intl. airport, airport with direct flight to Japan, other commercial airport, military airport
14SeaportsCommercial port
15Miscellaneous TransportationLighthouse, bridge, tunnel, pier, ferry, etc.
16Political Boundaries1st-7th order political boundary, disputed boundary, maritime boundary, territorial water boundary, other subordinate boundary (1/500,000)
17Political AreasIndependent and not independent 1st order political area, 2nd-6th order political area, other subordinate political area
18Administrative AreasCountry and region polygon data
19Military AreasArmy, navy, marine corps and air force installation (of 94 countries including the US and Japan)
20Geographical Reference LineEquator, Dateline, Tropics, Arctic, Antarctic, coastlines (1/500,000), grid mesh (01, 05, 10, 15, 30, 90 degree(s))

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Topographic Maps (Raster data)

Image data to represent Earth altimetry (shade and gradient tints) and bathymetry (gradient tints).

Elevation grid mesh / shaded relief image (1km square)
Elevation grid mesh / shaded relief image (35m square)
Bathymetric grid mesh (500m square)

Display example in a scale of approx. 1/900,000 (upper) and approx. 1/500,000 (lower)
approx. 1/900,000
approx. 1/500,000

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Thematic Maps (Vector data)

Geospatial databases of many topics and themes including the time zone, countries and regions risk, various statistic data by country

・ Time zone (1/500,000)
・ UNESCO World Heritage
・ Countries and regions risk (based upon the Overseas Safety Information by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 1/500,000)
・ Countries risk and threat from terrorism (based upon the Foreign Travel Advice by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the UK)
・ Japan’s territorial sea and EEZ (based upon the charts issued by the Japan Coast Guard, 1/200,000)
・ Nuclear weapons tests and nuclear reactors
・ Terrorism incidents after WWII
・ Distribution of religion, language, races, vegetation, terrestrial and aquatic biomes, etc.
・ Köppen climate classification
・ National unemployment rate, suicide rate, total fertility rate, etc.
And more

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Geospatial Database Construction Service
(Custom-made Thematic Mapping)

Additionally to the ready-made thematic maps data listed above, we consult sources and construct geospatial databases or map data of other topics or themes in response to your order, for instance, countries and regions’ area, population (of citizens, foreigners, aged or others), currency, self-sufficiency (in food, energy or others), diffusion (of internet, smart phone or others), etc.

Utilizing your own data (e.g. your company’s branch offices in the world) is available as well.

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City Maps (1/25,000 Raster data)

File format: Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), world files connected

Corresponding to a scale of 1/25,000 (ver. 2011)

Available cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Rome, Milan, Old Delhi & Indira Gandhi, Mumbai & Santa Cruz, Sydney, Melbourne, Vienna, Toronto, Seoul, Busan, Singapore, Madrid, Barcelona, Bangkok, Taipei & Taoyuan, Beijing, Shanghai, Berlin, Munich, Paris, etc.

Note: City maps (1/25,000) are products of CHIRI Geographic Information Service Co., Ltd. and the original copyrights of those belong to the said company. Users must give appropriate credit in any reasonable manner to print or indicate.

Bali (Indonesia)Sydney (Australia)
Bali (Indonesia) Sydney (Australia)

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City Maps (1/50,000 Vector / Raster data)

Corresponding to a scale of 1/50,000 (ver. 2008)

Available cities: Tokyo, Osaka, Pyongyang, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Katmandu, Delhi, Islamabad, Karachi, Teheran, Abu Dhabi, Amman, Jerusalem, Díli, Washington D.C., Paris, Kiev, Sarajevo, Bucharest, Port au Prince, Cape Town, Nanjing, St. Petersburg, Sydney, Helsinki, Baku, Lisbon, Istanbul, etc.

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Terms and Conditions of Use

Unless otherwise noted, the original copyrights of the data including the Japanese spelling of place and feature names belong to GeoCatalog Inc. Users must give appropriate credit in any reasonable manner to print or indicate ( e.g. Portions Copyright © 2025 GeoCatalog Inc.).

The price system basically comprises the guarantee and the annual royalty. Please feel free to ask for a price quote.

Regional data extraction is available. Please feel free to ask for more information.

If you find out defects in the information of our products, please let us know and we will cordially examine how to cope with that. Regarding matters of opinion, however, we will not necessarily accept customer complaints.

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